Friday, March 06, 2009

File this one under....

File this one under
"Things you Never want to hear again".

Since coming back from vacation, I haven't done a real grocery shopping trip yet. Have just been doing those quick stop mini ones.... Yesterday I decided to do some grocery shopping while the kids were at school. After making my selections, (and successfully avoiding the bakery counter), I headed to the front of the store to check out. I scanned the lines for the shortest one & then waited for my turn.
All was going smoothly. Enjoyed small talk with the cashier as she rang up my purchases & the bagger girl didn't squish my bread with canned goods.

Then all of a sudden it happened....

Just as the bagger girl was finishing up packing my produce she exclaimd very loudly:





"Oh my God! My nose is dripping sooooooooooooooo badly, I can barely stand it!" ::::insert loud nasal sucking sound::::
.....Yeah, I never want to hear that again.....

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Pictures from our vacation, Feb. 2009, click on pics to enlarge : )

On Skyline Drive, Blue Ridge Mtns, VA

Luray Caverns, VA

Wrestling gators, yes, they're real...

Stopped by to say hi to Obama,
and a view of our hotel lobby from
the 10th floor in Wash DC

Life mimics art

It was freezin' on the night tour

Underwater fun....