Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Off To Our Next Adventure.....

Leaving for Albuqueque New Mexico Thursday morning....

Will spend 4 days there, then driving to the Grand Canyon. Very excited because I've always wanted to gaze upon that big crater. Will spend the remainder of our vacation in Sedona AZ and relax. Flying home from Phoenix on July 4th....

Leaving this miserable gray June in New England & heading toward warmth. Sunshine here we come!

Pictures to follow.... : )

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May Happenings....

Click on pics to make larger....

Well, Spring has finally arrived in New England.

Life has been busy with yard work, planting flowers, more yard work, and getting our summer toys (the camper and boat) ready. We've had a pretty warm Spring, some days have felt downright summerish. Ok, I know "summerish" isn't a word, but it's my journal and I'll say it if I want to. A few weeks ago the temps hit 93 degrees, so we took the boat out for a spin on the ocean. Then we pulled the boat up on the beach and let the kids play in the tide pools for awhile. The ocean and beach are my favorite place on earth.... I feel so peaceful there.

Last weekend Sammi made her 1st Communion. I worked the night before (from 7pm to 7am), so there will be no pictures shown here of me. Trust me, it's better that way, lol. Despite my exhaustion, it was a wonderful day. Another sweet milestone that reminds me that life goes by too fast....
"That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet." ~Emily Dickinson

Friday, March 06, 2009

File this one under....

File this one under
"Things you Never want to hear again".

Since coming back from vacation, I haven't done a real grocery shopping trip yet. Have just been doing those quick stop mini ones.... Yesterday I decided to do some grocery shopping while the kids were at school. After making my selections, (and successfully avoiding the bakery counter), I headed to the front of the store to check out. I scanned the lines for the shortest one & then waited for my turn.
All was going smoothly. Enjoyed small talk with the cashier as she rang up my purchases & the bagger girl didn't squish my bread with canned goods.

Then all of a sudden it happened....

Just as the bagger girl was finishing up packing my produce she exclaimd very loudly:





"Oh my God! My nose is dripping sooooooooooooooo badly, I can barely stand it!" ::::insert loud nasal sucking sound::::
.....Yeah, I never want to hear that again.....

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Pictures from our vacation, Feb. 2009, click on pics to enlarge : )

On Skyline Drive, Blue Ridge Mtns, VA

Luray Caverns, VA

Wrestling gators, yes, they're real...

Stopped by to say hi to Obama,
and a view of our hotel lobby from
the 10th floor in Wash DC

Life mimics art

It was freezin' on the night tour

Underwater fun....