Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May Happenings....

Click on pics to make larger....

Well, Spring has finally arrived in New England.

Life has been busy with yard work, planting flowers, more yard work, and getting our summer toys (the camper and boat) ready. We've had a pretty warm Spring, some days have felt downright summerish. Ok, I know "summerish" isn't a word, but it's my journal and I'll say it if I want to. A few weeks ago the temps hit 93 degrees, so we took the boat out for a spin on the ocean. Then we pulled the boat up on the beach and let the kids play in the tide pools for awhile. The ocean and beach are my favorite place on earth.... I feel so peaceful there.

Last weekend Sammi made her 1st Communion. I worked the night before (from 7pm to 7am), so there will be no pictures shown here of me. Trust me, it's better that way, lol. Despite my exhaustion, it was a wonderful day. Another sweet milestone that reminds me that life goes by too fast....
"That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet." ~Emily Dickinson


Bridgett said...

She is so grown up, Michelle! Where has the time gone? I can't believe how tall she is. Wow.

And that dress is gorgeous.

I know how much you love summer, so enjoy every minute, my friend!


p.s. I miss you!!

Lisa said...

I really enjoyed the pictures! She is adorable! Beautiful dress! Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you will have a nice summer ahead... boating and camping sounds awesome! Have a great week ahead and we miss you!
Lisa in Kentucky

Anonymous said...

Aww very sweet! Little girls in 1st communion dresses are so cute!!

aims said...

Aww, Michelle, these photos are adorable! I can't believe how much she's grown since the last time I was here. Sounds like y'all have a nice summer ahead of you! Enjoy, and don't forget to let us know how y'all are doing.


MzAmy said...

Yes, the moments are sweeter when you know it's just so quickly passing. I guess, that depends on the moment, some moments you wish never passed your way at all.

anyway, sweet pictures. I remember her as a toddler with curls. climbing out of cribs and getting into all kinds of hijinks with her brother. :)

time goes sooo quickly. enjoy the boat and the water and the shores the summer....enjoy it all!

Home's Jewels said...

Michelle - she looks so pretty!

I need a good e-mail address for you - the one on aol was rejected. Here is my response re: strawberries:

Hi Michelle - I clean, stem the berries and put them on a cookie sheet or any kind of flat surface with a lip and put them in the freezer. After that, I put them in ziplocks. That way they are easy to access a few at a time for smoothies.

have a good one!

JohnLatham said...

I'm Catholic

JohnLatham said...

I'm catholic